Manders Maintenance is a full-service, commercial landscape maintenance company specializing in commercial landscape maintenance to create the highest level of curb appeal for your property. We provide professional services to businesses and organizations in need of commercial landscape maintenance solutions. Committed to exceeding our clients’ landscape expectations, we make sure to focus on the aspects of landscape maintenance that give our customers complete satisfaction.
A list of the services we offer:
Sustainable Green PracticesWhile many companies talk about “Going Green”, Manders Maintenance practices Sustainable Landscape Practices, Water Conservation, Recycling, and Green Waste Reduction on a daily basis! Water ManagementWater Conservation is one of the single most important challenges to the future of landscape management. Manders Maintenance manages the three largest Weathermatic ET based Smartline Controller sites in Collin County. Waste ManagementManders Maintenance utilizes modern recycling mowers. Mulched grass clippings return nutrients and moisture back to the soil. This helps reduce the amount of fertilizer and potential chemicals in water run-off. This practice results in green waste reduction and helps conserve landfill space. The recycling of grass clippings does not result in a negative appearance to a freshly mowed lawn when this service is performed correctly. Tree and shrub debris is “chipped” and spread on site as mulch when applicable. Professional Licenses